The Top 10 Reasons to Stop Smoking Now
Why stop smoking? There are lots of reasons to prevent smoking, even more personal than others. What we've listed here are 10 facts that apply to everyone who smokes. They are 10 major health issues and each time you take a puff, you boost your danger of developing among them. Warning: Some of these are scary. If you truly don't want to quit, then don't read.
Lung Cancer
Nearly every case of lung cancer in the world, 90% in accordance with recent research, is due to cigarette smoke. Either the victim smoked or was constantly exposed to used smoke.
This has to be towards the top of your list of reasons to prevent smoking, as the 5 year survival rate for folks diagnosed with lung cancer is as low as 1%. Even in the most effective case scenario, the survival rate isn't above 67%. Quite simply, most individuals who get lung cancer die.
So, why stop smoking? You might think that since you smoke now, you've already done irreversible damage, but the danger of developing lung cancer falls gradually for each year that you may not smoke. After 15 years of not smoking, your risk is no higher than that of someone who never smoked.
Other Forms of Cancer
One of many reasons that smokers are more likely to develop and die from lung cancer is that nicotine suppresses mechanisms in the immune system that will normally stop the growth of cancerous tumors. Thus, smokers and people who use other forms of tobacco are more likely to develop cancers of all types than someone who does not use tobacco.
In emphysema, the lungs are damaged to the point they are no more elastic. It becomes difficult to exhale. It is followed by wheezing and shortness of breath and is irreversible. Even though you have already been told or you think that you're in the early stages of the disease, it's still among the main reasons to prevent smoking, because when people who have emphysema stop smoking and avoid all experience of cigarette smoke, the progression of the disease decreases dramatically.
Heart Disease
Why stop smoking? Smoking contributes to reduced blood flow in the arteries. Eventually this can cause a center attack. After 1 year of not smoking, your danger of developing heart problems is reduced by more than half.
High Blood Pressure
The nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke boost your blood pressure. Over time this can damage the large arteries and tiny blood vessels. Eventually this can cause among the other reasons to prevent smoking...
Uncontrolled high blood pressure is the number one risk factor for having a stroke. Number 4 is cigarette smoking. Number 2 is heart problems, which may be due to cigarette smoking. Why stop smoking? After only some days of not smoking, your blood pressure will undoubtedly be lower, reducing your danger of having an immediate stroke that can end your daily life or cause permanent brain damage.
This is probably among the reasons to prevent smoking that you have never heard of. You never see this warning on a cigarette pack, but three separate studies all came to the same conclusion. Smokers are four times more likely to become blind because of age related macular degeneration than non-smokers.
Macular degeneration is a significant and progressive condition in that the central vision is lost. It is one of the very most common reasons for blindness in the elderly. Why stop smoking? Former smokers, those who have quit, have just a slightly greater risk than people who never smoked.
Alzheimer's disease
The rate of mental decline is five times faster in smokers than in non-smokers. When you yourself have any family history of Alzheimer's and other neurological conditions, this should be among your top reasons to prevent smoking now, unless, you wish to be a weight to your household or simply forget them.
Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Auto-immune Diseases
Lupus is really a chronic disease that produces pain and inflammation. Eventually there may be tissue damage through the entire body. Why stop smoking? Current smokers have an elevated risk for the development of lupus, but for people who have quit, there's no increased risk.
Rheumatoid arthritis is really a chronic and sometimes disabling disease characterized by painful, swollen joints. Scientists have identified several genetic risk factors for developing RA. Smokers with one of these brilliant genetic risk factors are 16 times more likely to have rheumatoid arthritis.
Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis are classified as auto-immune diseases. Because nicotine impairs the appropriate function of the immune system, cigarette smoking can boost your danger of developing either one of these brilliant auto-immune diseases. Studies concerning these facts were published recently in the Journal of Arthritis and Rheumatism.